Last weekend, I ignored Zion while I was working on a spreadsheet. When I was not working on the spreadsheet, I was playing on my phone while Zion was binge watching Phineas and Ferb (cute show, by the way).

This weekend, I was determined to put my computer down, my phone away and spend quality time with Zion. So, this afternoon, I put my computer away, put my phone down and joined Zion on our couch while he continued binging on Phineas and Ferb. This was Zion’s time, and I was here. Then, I turned on the Memphis-Portland basketball game and starting drifting off to dreamland. I was physically with Zion, but I was not with him emotionally. After my snoring commenced, he decided to head upstairs where it was much quieter.

It is just a reminder I need to emotionally present more than I need to be physically present. To be honest, I was more emotionally present last weekend when I was awake and working on my spreadsheet. We were watching Phineas and Ferb together, and I was able to answer his questions or view his latest favorite YouTube video while working on the spreadsheet. I was awake and not drooling next to him on the couch.

To try to salvage the day, I started watching the Peanuts Movie on Disney Plus. Zion wanted to watch the movie with me this weekend. When we heard it playing, he came back downstairs and sat back on the couch. This time, I stayed awake.