Daily Soundtrack: Black Is King by Beyonce

The U.S. Navy’s first Black female tactical air (TACAIR) pilot received her Wings of Gold on Saturday, July 31, 2020, marking a significant milestone for Naval Aviation.

Lt. j.g. Madeline G. Swegle was designated a naval aviator and received her Wings of Gold with 25 classmates during a small ceremony at Naval Air Station (NAS) Kingsville, Texas.

I was surprised to learn Lt. Swegle is the first female black fighter pilot. I assumed someone beaten her to it. Bessie Coleman was the first African American female pilot to get her license in 1921, and it is hard to believe it took almost 100 years for the first female fighter pilot.

This is more of a reflection of society and lack of opportunity than lack of want. Lt. Swegle is not the first black female to want to defend our country from the air. Unfortunately, without the opportunity or the pioneer to break the glass ceiling, these black females went into other professions leaving America’s tactical air defense to others.

Now, the glass ceiling is broken. Lt. Swegle is first but will not be the last black female tactical air fighter. America’s fighter pilots are about to become a more diverse and inclusive group, and we all benefit.

Thank you, Bessie Coleman and thank you, Lt. Swegle.