Talk less, smile more. These are lyrics from the song “Aaron Burr, Sir” in the musical Hamilton. I absolutely love Hamilton. Last month, when it came to Disney+, I watched the movie twice the during the first day. My son, Zion, watched with me during the second viewing. Naturally, I was singing, having a good time and in pure bliss. Right out of the blue, Zion looked up with an astonished look on his face said “Dad, you’re smiling!”

Mister Toastmaster. My fellow Toastmasters. Honored guests. Zion is a lot of things. A soccer player, wannabe dragon slayer, Nintendo gamer and most importantly, truth sayer. Zion is the king of uncomfortable truths, which he always gives in a blunt yet innocent way. Last month, in his blunt yet innocent way, he informed let me know I do not smile very often.

Do you know how much it stings when your child says you do not smile enough? I was surprised. Look, I will never be the life of the party or be happy go lucky as Bluto Blutarsky. However, I smile from time to time. Every pay day, every solar eclipse and every time the Lions win a Super Bowl, I have a HUGE smile on my face. Am I smiling the in between those times? Maybe, not as much as I thought. At least not around Zion.

For those unaware, I am a single parent. Being a single parent is not easy. Around Zion, I am cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, helping him with homework, getting him ready for school or bed. The smiles are usually few and far between. I am doing what I need to do to keep him safe and healthy. Most days, I am not mad or sad when doing these tasks. More matter of fact. However, a nine-year old boy is subject to interpret things differently. Unfortunately, Zion might interpret the look on my face as sad or mad.

How do you smile more? The last thing you want is your child being more excited about seeing a smile than he is on Christmas Day. Is it a matter of spending more time playing Nintendo, slaying imaginary dragons and kicking a soccer ball? Is it watching Hamilton every day? Whatever the solution is, I need to find it.

If I’m going to wait for a Lions Super Bowl to start smiling, Zion is going to have a sad childhood. That’s the last thing I want for him. I need to start finding the fun in life and giving Zion the happy household he deserves. I’ll leave you with this thought Talk Less Smile More. Find the fun in life. You and the ones you love and love you will benefit.