Today, I started listening to Lisa Brennan-Jobs’ “Small Fry.” She mentions an incident in the book involving her mother and palm reading. Her mother was reading her palm but was unable to tell Lisa’s right hand from her left hand. Lisa’s mom is dyslexic, and people with dyslexia sometimes cannot tell the right hand from their left.

My son, Zion, often struggles telling his left hand from his right hand. I was not sure if this was normal. Maybe, all nine-year old boys struggle distinguishing between their hands. Nevertheless, it was a little frustrating for me (and especially his piano teacher).

Well, Zion is also dyslexic. I assumed it was just a learning disability tied to reading. I did not realize dyslexia could impact him in other areas. The reason why he struggles knowing which hand is which is dyslexia. It feels like someone lifted a giant weight off my shoulders.

At his next piano lesson, I’ll share the news with his piano teacher, and we both owe Lisa Brennan-Jobs’ mother a thanks.