Recently, I started listening to Michelle Obama’s book “Becoming.”

One of the early stories discusses her first piano recital. Mrs. Obama received piano lessons from her great aunt, Robbie. Robbie’s piano was a raggedy upright with yellow keys. Furthermore, the middle C key, a piano’s “north star,” was chipped and not perfectly in the middle of the piano. In Mrs. Obama’ mind, this is what a piano should be: raggedy, chipped, yellow and not perfectly aligned.

When Mrs. Obama arrived at the piano recital, she learned she would be playing on a perfect, or as she put it “flawless,” baby grand piano. When it was her turn to play, she froze because she was unable to find the middle C key. She was so used to Robbie’s piano she could not make the transition to a different and “flawless” piano. Luckily, Robbie came up to the stage, placed Mrs. Obama’s finger on the middle C key and Mrs. Obama was able to play her song.

This is a reminder. We accept less than perfect things in life because we do not know a better way. Sometimes, it is settling a job or life partner because we believe this is as good as it can truly get. Even though in our minds, we were hoping for so much more out of life.

Everyone needs their Aunt Robbie. Someone to show us things can better or flawless. Do not settle for the way things have been. Always believe things can be better. You just need to find your shiny and perfectly centered middle C key.