I love taking naps on the weekends. They are so peaceful especially when my mind is clear. Since becoming a father, I take less naps than in the past. Thus, whenever I get a chance to nap for a couple of hours on the weekend, I happily take them.

These days whenever I take a nap, my son, Zion, is usually in the house with me. A lot of times between his iPad, laptop and TV, he can entertain himself for an hour or two without noticing I’m gone. While he is entertaining himself, Zion will occasionally get hungry. If Zion does not need me to entertain him, he certainly does not need me to feed him. Or so he thinks.

Sunday, while I was napping, Zion got hungry and naturally wanted to feed himself. Ideally, Zion would grab a piece fruit, celery or if he is very hungry, come upstairs and wake me. Instead, he decided to fix himself a dinner plate. Zion decided he wanted surf and turf. He fixed a plate consisting of two hamburgers and a half plate of shrimp. Nothing else. No grains (excluding hamburger buns). No fruits. No vegetables. No dairy. Nothing else.

I appreciate Zion’s attempt, and I’m thrilled at his growth. I still need to work on demonstrating what a balanced meal looks like, and balanced meals are important. Until we get to this point, I will feed Zion a big meal prior to taking my naps. Then, I’ll be able to nap in peace with a clear mind.